Genesis Shortcode UI

Enhance the default Shortcodes of the Genesis Framework with a Shortcode UI powered by the Shortcake plugin.


Very comfortably enter the 20 Genesis default Shortcodes in the WordPress Editor via a visual User Interface powered by the Shortcake plugin. The Genesis default Shortcodes were never easier before!

Backstory: Since I figured out the Shortcake plugin (aka "Shortcode UI") is a really nice and genius project it was clear I had to do something for Genesis with it. So this is the first result! :-)


Plugin Installation:

Requirements/ Prerequisites

Manual Upload

Via "GitHub Updater" Plugin (recommended!)


Usage - 1) Basics:

Usage - 2) Advanced:

Usage - 3) Limitations, Info etc.:

Plugin Filters (Developers) - 1) Basics:

Plugin Filters - 2) Examples

Exclude one or more Shortcode tags from the UI

To exclude one of the Genesis default Shortcodes from appearing in the UI, just use this code snippet from this Gist

Just uncommend all those lines with the Shortcode tags you don't want to see in the UI.

In the filter gsui_filter_genesis_shortcodes_ui_args place the Genesis Shortcode tag together with the prefix sp_, like so:

$genesis_shortcodes[ 'sp_footer_studiopress_link' ] = 0;

Change the overview logo for a certain Shortcode in the UI

To change the logo icon/ image in the UI overview, let's say, to a Dashicon from WordPress itself -- just use the code snippet from this Gist

The same principle applies for all other Dashicon icons and Shortcode tags as well.

If you want to use my built-in icon types, choose one of the following:

$genesis_shortcodes[ 'sp_footer_site_title' ][ 'listItemImage' ] = ddw_gsui_genesis_logo( 'post' );

--> will output my "post"-based icon

$genesis_shortcodes[ 'sp_post_date' ][ 'listItemImage' ] = ddw_gsui_genesis_logo( 'footer' );

--> will output my "footer"-based icon

$genesis_shortcodes[ 'sp_post_time' ][ 'listItemImage' ] = ddw_gsui_genesis_logo( 'default' );

--> will output my "default"-based icon (Genesis)

And if you want to change to your own custom image path, simply change this line to this:

$genesis_shortcodes[ 'sp_post_tags' ][ 'listItemImage' ] = ddw_gsui_genesis_logo( 'custom', '', '' );

--> will output your own image file

Tips: Use transparent .png with a size of 120x120px - bigger size might be fine, it gets scaled by Shortcake CSS anyway... :)

Where to put these filters/ code snippets?


= Localization & Internationalizaton:

Changelog - Version History:

--> See plugin file here


Copyright (c) 2016 David Decker -